The Windsor Photographic Society

Uploading to the club website

Uploading to the Club Website            


What needs to be uploaded

Unless otherwise stated in specific competition rules, digital copies of all competition entries (both print and projected) must be uploaded to the club website on or before midnight on the Thursday prior to the competition. Failure to do so will result in the entries being excluded from the competition.

See below for rules and restrictions on image file formats, sizes and file names.

Copies of entries for both projected and print competitions need to be uploaded.

Digital copies of prints need to be uploaded so that they can be projected for the audience to see. The Judge will base all their comments on the actual printed image.

In the case of Digital (projected) image entries, the Judge will base all their comments and marking on the projected image.

General Good Practice

Always keep an unchanged copy of your original images.

If you need to resize an image or edit it in any way at all to satisfy the image uploading requirements then:

  • Make a copy of the original image
  • Only make changes to the copy - don't change the original image
  • Upload the edited copy of the image - keep your own copy of this in case you need it again in the future
  • Keep the original unedited image

Uploaded Image File Format and Size

Unless otherwise stated for a specific competition all uploaded images must be:

  • JPG format
  • sRGB colour space
  • No more than 1600 pixels wide
  • No more than 1200 pixels tall

If you need advice on how to make sure that your image(s) satisfy these rules please ask a member of the Committee who will be pleased to help.

Uploaded Image File Names

Unless otherwise stated for a specific competition all uploaded images should be named using the following convention.

Your Membership Number_Your Name_Your Image Title.jpg

For example, if your membership number is 501, your name Joe Bloggs and the title of your image: Reflections of the Moon, then the image file should be named:

501_Joe Bloggs_Reflections of the Moon.jpg

Apart from the underscore (_) characters between the different parts of the image file name, please don't include any punctuation or other special characters in the names of your image files.

Uploading the Images

Once you have an image file ready for uploading, use the Competition Entry Zone page to upload the image.

To use the Competition Entry Zone page you will need to use the password that was given to you when you joined the society. If you need to be reminded of these please contact the club membership secretary.

From the Competition Entry Zone page just select the appropriate competition / category and follow the instructions.

If you upload too many images for a competition or category, then, in general, only the most recently uploaded image(s) will be entered into the competition.