The Windsor Photographic Society

POY Print Upload

Upload copies of your print entries for the Photographer of the Year competition using this page.

The number of print images that you may upload depends on the number of digital entries that you upload for the same competition.

  • If you upload no digital entries or 1 digital entry you may upload up to two print image entries
  • If you upload two digital entries you may upload only one print image entry

Please bring your printed and mounted images on the night of the competition.

To allow the images to be displayed correctly by the club projector they should be no larger than 1600 pixels wide x 1200 pixels high.

All images should be JPG files.

The name of each file that you upload should be formatted as described below.

YourMembershipNumber_Your Name_Title of the Image.jpg

As an example, suppose:

Your membership number is: 91347
Your name is: Martina Jones
The title of your image is:

Moonlight and Stars in the Lake

Then the file that you upload should be named: 91347_Martina Jones_Moonlight and Stars in the Lake.jpg






Please take especial care that:

  • The file name of the image includes only 2 underscore characters
  • To use only numbers and letters of the alphabet in your name and image title.


Entry 1 or Entry 2: Type either: Print Entry 1 or Print Entry 2
Membership Number:
Your Name:
Your email address:
Image file name, format as above: MembershipNumber_Your Name_Image Title
Tick to agree:
Terms and Conditions (Please Read)
"I am the Owner/Author of this photo in its entirety and as such retain legal copyright to this image. I grant Windsor Photographic Society permission to display this photo on this website."
Select File: